Hi everyone, I'm just back from a weekend trip to Ireland and will be heading off for a longer trip to the US. But hopefully I'll be up and blogging again from the states in a few days or so!
Hi everyone! I'm back again. Who would've thunk this everyday thing would be so tough?! I've got an excuse though. I've been on a cruise! This is the play-doh table at nursery.
So today I decided to redeem my bloggingness lately. Got two kids all geared up to go out "drawing." One in jacket and shoes with marker and paper in hand. One in babybackpack with plug in mouth. After half hour prep work, got to front door to discover pouring rain. The one with marker and paper was not pleased. He began crying. The one with plug in mouth did not notice. Anyway. We did our outside drawing inside. Out Noel's back window. I should do more drawings of the buildings in Hampstead. They are beautiful.
And here's me at home again in jolly olde englande drawing... chimneypots.
Baby Zen sleeping on the plane home.
And here's my sister to prove it.
Here's the real thing.
Palm trees and a hammock on the beach.
Bali Hai and... a junglefowl.
The mountains of Kauai.
Guy Asleep.
This is Noel playing at his traytable with his Bob the Builder backpack in the foreground and Solenn sleeping in the bassinet in the background. At least we had the bulkhead!